SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange Programme 1st Batch: July - December 2020

Tuesday, 2020 February 04


Due to the growing concerns over the COVID-19, the SEAMEO Secretariat regrets to inform everyone that all scheduled activities related to the SEA-TVET Exchange Programme scheduled for March to June 2020 will be postponed due to the threat posed by COVID-19 to our region, students and teachers. (SEAMEO Announcement)



The 5th High Officials Meeting on SEA-TVET, held on 9-10 September 2019 in Brunei Darussalam suggested to optimise the collaboration of TVET institutions in the SEA-TVET Network by expanding the student mobility to the areas of Teacher Development/ Exchange; and Research and Development.


The 1st batch of the SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange Programme was agreed at the 6th SEAMEO Polytechnic Network Meeting on 17-18 October 2019 in Da Nang City, hosted by Duy Tan University, Vietnam. During the meeting, the Letter of Agreement of the 1st Batch of SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange Programme was signed by 58 institutions from 4 member countries, namely Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.



A.      Objectives


The objectives of the SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange Programme are as follows:


1)      To provide professional development and cultivate the culture of sharing among TVET teachers in Southeast Asia.

2)      To create a sustainable collaboration and partnership among polytechnics and TVET colleges/institutions/universities in Southeast Asia.


B.      Implementation Process


1)      The agreement will be implemented in a reciprocal way.


2)      The 1st batch of the SEA-TVET Teacher Exchange will be applied for teachers/lectures who are teaching in Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma and Bachelor level.


3)      The specialisations of teachers/lectures will be as follows, but not limited to:

·         Mechatronics, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical and Manufacturing

·         Informatics/ Computer Science

·         Agriculture and Food Technology

·         Hospitality and Tourism

·         Business

·         Multimedia, communication design

·         Health Science


4)      The institutions will start the 1 st batch of exchange for 14 - 21 days during July - December 2020 (Postponing due to COVID-19).


5)      Each participating institution should select the qualified teacher for at least 2 teachers with the same gender in equal number, but not more than 6 teachers to participate in the programme.

6)      The online interview should be conducted by the Receiving Institutions to ensure the eligibility of teachers and clarify the expectation of participating teachers.


7)      The activities during the exchange will be prepared by the Receiving Institution and agreed by the Sending Institution. The activities for the teacher exchange may include as follows, but not limited to:

·         Lecture

·         Industry Visit

·         Consultation on Research

·         Community Services


8)      Participating Teachers should submit the reports to Receiving/Sending Institutions and SEAMEO at the end of exchange programme. The report consists of:

·         Initiative Proposal

·         Self-Evaluation Report

·         Overall Project Evaluation


C.      Responsibilities of Participating Institutions


The Sending Institutions will be responsible for:

·         Selecting eligible teachers,

·         Coordinating with SEAMEO and partners for preparation,

·         Preparing travel arrangement for outbound teachers,

·         Conducting pre-departure orientation for outbound teachers,

·         Coordinating with Receiving Institutions for the arrangement of letter of acceptance, travel schedule, and travel preparation,

·         Ensuring the important travel documents which the outbound teachers must have: 1) valid passport, 2) International health insurance, 3) health certificate, and

·         Ensuring that the outbound teachers will submit the following 3 reports to SEAMEO at the end of the exchange programme: 1) Initiative Proposal, 2) Self-Evaluation Report, and 3) Overall Project Evaluation.


The Receiving Institutions will be responsible for:

·         Arranging the exchange programme according to the agreed period, including orientation, class observation, actual teaching, and cultural activities,

·         Coordinating with SEAMEO and partners for preparation,

·         Preparing accommodations for inbound teachers,

·         Preparing airport transfer for inbound teachers,

·         Coordinating with Sending Institutions for the arrangement of letter of acceptance, travel schedule, and travel preparation,

·         Ensuring the important travel documents which the inbound teachers must submit: 1) valid passport, 2) international health insurance, 3) health certificate, and

·         Ensuring that the participating teachers will submit the following reports to SEAMEO at the end of exchange programme: 1) Initiative Proposal, 2) Self-Evaluation Report, and 3) Overall Project Evaluation.


D.      Budget Responsibilities


·         Participating teachers shall be responsible for 1) passport fee, 2) pocket money, and 3) health check-up (Optional)

·         Sending institutions shall be responsible for 1) return airfare ticket, 2) international health and travel insurance, 4) daily allowance (optional).

·         Receiving institutions shall be responsible for 1) accommodation, 2) transportation for airport transfer, 3) extra activities required by Receiving Institutions for the inbound teachers to join.


E.       Participating Institutions (59 Institutions)


Indonesia Institutions:

1.       Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic

2.       Ganesha University of Education

3.       Technology and Business Institute of Asia Malang    

4.       Islamic University of Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin

5.       PGRI University of Semarang

6.       Polyteknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

7.       Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi

8.       Polyteknik Negeri Bengkalis

9.       Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

10.   Politeknik Negeri Samarinda

11.   Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

12.   Universitas Negeri Padang

13.   SMKN 5 Banjamasin

14.   SMK Pariswisata Metland Bogor 

15.   STIKI Malang

16.   Universitas Tidar

17.   Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

18.   Universitas Brawijaya Malang

19.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton

20.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

21.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

22.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

23.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak

24.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

25.   Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

26.   Universitas PGRI Madiun

27.   Universitas Jambi

28.   University of Muria Kudus 

29.   Universitas Sebelas Maret

30.   State Polytechnic of Malang


Philippines Institutions:                         

1.       Central Luzon State University

2.       Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

3.       Iloilo Science and Technology University

4.       Guimaras State College

5.       Mariano Marcos State University

6.       Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

7.       Tarlac Agricultural University

8.       University of Mindanao

9.       Technological Institute of the Philippines

10.   President Ramon Magsaysay State University

11.   Saint Louis University

12.   Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College

13.   Pangasinan State University

14.   Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT)

15.   Cavite State University Philippines

16.   Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

17.   Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

18.   Remnant Institute Inc.

19.   Bulacan State University

20.   Central Mindanao University

21.   Lyceum Northwestern University

22.   Bataan Peninsula State University

23.   Cantanduanes State University

24.   Nueva Viscaya State University


Thailand Institutions:

1.       Chiang Mai Rajabhat University

2.       Pattani Technical College


Vietnam Institutions:  

1.       Duy Tan University

2.       Academy of Finance  

3.       Van Lang University


F.       Contact Details


Ms Piyapa S.

Project Officer

SEAMEO Secretariat

920 Sukhumvit Road, Klongteuy District, Bangkok, Thailand



Tel: +662 391 0144; Fax: +662 381 2587