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Active member(s)

Found 17 institution(s) match the criteria

Asian Institute of Technology Sciences and the Arts (AITSA) Inc.


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
15 120
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Accounting Certificate 30 5 30
2 English Certificate 40 5 40
3 Hospitality and Tourism Certificate 50 5 50

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
6 12
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Food and Beverage Services Certificate 4 2 4
2 English Certificate 5 2 5
3 Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Certificate 3 2 3

Bulusan National Vocational Technical School


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
6 5
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Agriculture and Fisheries Certificate 25 2 1
2 Hospitality and Tourism Certificate 25 1 1
3 Automotive Engineering Certificate 25 1 1
4 Tourism Certificate 25 1 1
5 Welding Certificate 25 1 1

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
5 5
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Agriculture Certificate 1 1 1
2 Food and Beverage Services Certificate 1 1 1
3 Bread and Pastry Production NC II Certificate 1 1 1
4 Cookery NC II Certificate 1 1 1
5 Automotive Servicing NC I Certificate 1 1 1

Cagayan State University


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
51 51
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Graduate Studies Bachelor 100 1 1
2 Agriculture and Fisheries Certificate 250 5 5
3 Food and Beverage Services Certificate 400 5 5
4 Computing Studies Certificate 509 10 10
5 Business Administration Certificate 400 5 5
6 Industrial Technology Certificate 150 5 5
7 Business English Certificate 150 5 5
8 Hospitality and Tourism Certificate 500 5 5
9 Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Certificate 100 5 5
10 Food Technology Certificate 150 5 5

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
15 15
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Leadership and Management Diploma 10 1 1
2 Agriculture and Fisheries Bachelor 10 2 2
3 Computing Studies Bachelor 10 3 3
4 Business Administration Bachelor 10 2 2
5 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 6 2 2
6 Automotive Servicing NC I Bachelor 1 1 1
7 Food and Beverage Services Bachelor 5 1 1
8 Business English Bachelor 5 2 2
9 Criminal Justice Education Bachelor 4 1 1

Cagayan State University at Aparri


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
0 0
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Agriculture and Fisheries Bachelor 251 5 5
2 Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Bachelor 1061 5 5
3 Criminal Justice Education Bachelor 600 5 5
4 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 1050 5 5
5 Industrial Technology Bachelor 300 5 5
6 English Bachelor 250 5 5
7 Education of Mathematics Bachelor 210 5 5
8 Graduate Studies Bachelor 157 5 5

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
0 0
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host



Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
4 4
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Certificate 554 2 2
2 fashion design Certificate 36 2 2

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
4 4
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 6 2 2
2 fashion design Bachelor 4 2 2

City of Meycauayan Vocational Senior High School


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
2 2
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Diploma 43 1 1
2 Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing Diploma 40 1 1
3 Chemical Diploma 40 1 1
4 Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Diploma 40 1 1
5 Marine Maritime Diploma 40 1 1
6 Product Design Diploma 40 1 1
7 Construction Diploma 40 1 1

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
2 2
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 1 1 1
2 Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing Bachelor 1 1 1
3 Chemical Bachelor 1 1 1
4 Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Bachelor 1 1 1
5 Marine Maritime Bachelor 1 1 1
6 Product Design Bachelor 1 1 1
7 Construction Bachelor 1 1 1

Hue Industrial College


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
115 80
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Accounting Diploma 500 10 5
2 Computer Engineering Diploma 600 10 10
3 Chemical Diploma 200 5 5
4 Construction Diploma 60 10 5
5 Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing Diploma 200 20 10
6 Food Technology Diploma 50 5 5
7 Hospitality and Tourism Diploma 300 10 5
8 Industrial Machinery Diploma 400 10 10
9 Management Diploma 50 5 5
10 Electrical Engineering Diploma 500 20 10
11 Automotive Engineering Diploma 500 10 10

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
22 9
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Computer Engineering Diploma 15 3 1
2 Electronics, Mechatronics, and Manufacturing Diploma 15 3 1
3 Electrical Engineering Diploma 24 3 1
4 Industrial Machinery Diploma 20 3 1
5 Food Technology Diploma 8 1 1
6 Hospitality and Tourism Diploma 15 3 1
7 Chemical Diploma 7 2 1
8 Management Diploma 5 1 1
9 Automotive Engineering Diploma 15 3 1

Nguyen Tat Thanh University


Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
15 15
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Business Administration Bachelor 100 5 5
2 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 50 5 5
3 English Bachelor 100 5 5

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
15 15
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Accounting Bachelor 20 5 5
2 Business Administration Bachelor 10 5 5
3 English Bachelor 10 5 5



Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
17 11
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 150 6 5
2 Business Administration Bachelor 140 4 2
3 Business English Bachelor 100 2 2
4 Computing Studies Bachelor 200 5 2

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
3 3
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Bachelor 8 2 2
2 Business Administration Bachelor 7 1 1



Student & Teacher Mobility Data

Student Mobility

Total students to send
Total students to host
2 2
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Diploma 1 1 1
2 Construction Diploma 2 1 1

Teacher Mobility

Total teachers to send
Total teachers to host
1 1
Priority Consortium Area Qualification Actual in course Plan to send Plan to host
1 Hospitality and Tourism Certificate 1 1 1